Terry Davis Receives Prestigious "100 Pounder Award"

February 16th, 2000 - Terry Davis made LLRC history by earning the first-ever "100 Pounder Award." The award is given in recognition to those individuals who have made significant, ongoing contributions to the club. The award was given to Terry specifically for the tremendous effort he has put into editing and publishing the club's newsletter. Good job, Terry!

The design, construction, and presentation of the award was a combined effort of many LLRC members. They deserve recognition for their hard work:

Steve Jerabek, Dan Sargent, Stan Koci, Bob Holien,
& Bruce Crosby..........Discussions on wording & Layout
Steve Jerabek..........Supplied section of rail
Stan Koci..........Polished and cleaned rail
Dick Desens..........Gold plating on rail section
Steve Jerabek..........Wrote History of rail section
Anita Crosby..........Laminated history of rail section
Bruce Crosby..........Designed plaque
Bruce C.& Stan K..........Assembled plaque
Tom Clabo..........Woodworking
Bob Hedin..........Donated black walnut
Joe's Sport Shop..........Made silver part of plaque
Larry Graf..........Wrote formal presentation speech
Bruce Crosby..........Wrote rest of presentation speech